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F2R Y1000 – Digital Device

Entrando na Era Digital da Navegação a Roadbook com a F2R

Durante mais de quatro décadas, o Rally Raid baseou-se nos tradicionais roadbooks de papel, um método que remonta aos antigos pergaminhos egípcios. Esta técnica duradoura tem sido a base de um desporto que é movido por desafios e aventura. Embora a simplicidade e a fiabilidade dos roadbooks em papel nos tenham sido bastante úteis, chegou o momento de uma mudança transformadora.

At F2R, we are committed to embracing the Roadbook Navigation New Era, and 2024 has definitely marked a pivotal year in this journey. The rapid advancements in technology have enabled us to desenvolver um dispositivo digital capaz de suportar as condições extremas do Rally Raid melhorando, simultaneamente, a experiência de navegação. O potencial destes dispositivos já foi demonstrado e comprovado.

A nossa visão da tecnologia digital na Navegação a Roadbook não passa por facilitar o desporto, nem alterar a sua essência. Compreendemos a importância de preservar a natureza desafiante da navegação e o verdadeiro espírito da Navegação a Roadbook. Pelo contrário, o nosso objetivo é aproveitar a evolução digital para aumentar a segurança, melhorar a usabilidade, simplificar as tarefas organizacionais, como as correcções ao roadbook, e promover a justiça e a igualdade de oportunidades dentro do desporto.

Este processo de mudança em curso está bem encaminhado e a F2R está na vanguarda desta Nova Era. Tal como temos sido um "player" significativo na navegação a roadbook tradicional, estamos igualmente empenhados em liderar o caminho para abraçar a revolução digital. Estamos entusiasmados com o caminho promissor que temos pela frente e com o potencial que ele representa para os entusiastas do Rally Raid em todo o mundo.

O nosso F2R Y1000

Nos últimos três anos, dedicámo-nos totalmente ao desenvolvimento do Dispositivo Digital F2R. Tirando partido da nossa vasta experiência em rallies, concebemos meticulosamente um dispositivo que consegue suportar os rallies mais exigentes do mundo. Foi concebido especificamente para suportar as condições extremas, incluindo temperaturas variáveis, vibrações intensas, exposição direta à luz solar e cenários de grande impacto.

Este processo de criação do F2R Gamma 1000 tem sido rigoroso e desafiante. Desde o hardware ao software e firmware, todos os aspectos do dispositivo foram desenvolvidos internamente pela nossa equipa. Since February 2024, we have been rigorously testing multiple prototypes to ensure the highest standards of performance and reliability. Our commitment to perfection has drived us to continue testing and refining until we achieve the ultimate navigation tool.

Com uma dedicação inabalável, a nossa missão é criar a ferramenta de navegação mais avançada para motas de aventura e de rally.

Destaques do Desenvolvimento e Principais Especificações

Abaixo, destacamos os principais marcos do nosso processo de desenvolvimento, estatísticas da nossa actual fase de testes e algumas especificações gerais do dispositivo F2R Y1000.


Fase de Testes em Números

Especificações e Detalhes

  • - SO: Android 13 (Personalizado pela F2R)
  • - Suporta aplicações de terceiros
  • - Actualizações via OTA

  • - Cumpre os regulamentos da FIM e da FIA
  • - Odómetro principal integrado (total, com uma ou duas casas decimais)
  • - Odómetro secundário integrado (parcial, em kms ou metros)
  • - Velocímetro integrado (com avisos sobre as zonas de velocidade)
  • - CAP integrado
  • - Seta integrada (para waypoints)
  • - Validação de waypoints
  • - Cockpit totalmente personalizado
  • - Passagem de roadbook nota a nota (opcional)
  • - Ficheiros aceites: Open Rally (.GPX ou .RBK)
  • - Método de importação de ficheiros: Via RDS ou localmente
  • - Actualizações via OTA

  • – Display: High Brightness display (with specific F2R coating)
  • - Tamanho do ecrã: 8 polegadas
  • - Espessura do ecrã: 4 mm (com tratamento especial)
  • - Formato do ecrã: 4:3 (formato de rolo de papel A5)
  • - Touch: Touch capacitivo
  • - Conectividade: Wi-Fi + Bluetooth
  • - Sistema de gestão de energia F2R (avisa o utilizador para evitar a descarga da bateria do veículo)
  • - Chassis: Totalmente em alumínio CNC
  • - Computador Android destacável do chassis (pode ser trocado entre motos)
  • - GPS de elevado desempenho (precisão de menos de 1 metro CEP)

  • - Tomada para Buzzer (Sentinel)
  • - Botão de alimentação
  • - Botão de Home
  • - Botão de controlo da luminosidade
  • - Botão de bloqueio de ecrã/standby
  • - Comando de guiador específico ligado por cabo
  • - Peso: Aprox. 1245g

  • Estimated availability: 1st trimester of 2025
  • Retail price: 1795,00 € (price including 23% VAT)

Informação actualizada em:

Rider Feedback

5 out of 5

had the luck to be testing Y1000 for Greece Rally 2024. after 7 racing days and a lot of stones and hard enduro trails, I can say this is the most complete electronic roadbook of the market. amazing luminous screen, smooth transition, easy to install and utilise it. it came in a secure case along with it's components and clear instructions on how to adjust all. this is the future of roadbook navigation and as a hard paper lover the feeling after racing with Y1000 is like using paper. I can easily say that after testing 5 different tablets claiming the same, but none comes to close to the results of Y1000.

Braaaap Goat - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

The Y1000 is a perfect universal device for rally training and adventure riding. The hardware is robust and works well. The Android OS allows the user to train with roadbooks as well as use any other android app including mapping and navigation apps. Highly recommended!

Matthew Glade - (amateur rider)
4 out of 5

Mooi product, niet vergelijkbaar met andere toestellen wegens eigen productie. Handige opties zoals waterdichte stroomvoorziening directe draaiknop voor belichting. aan uit knop die makkelijk te bereiken zijn. Prijs is naar de duurdere kant maar is normaal aangezien de eigen ontwikkeling.

Clint De Cramer - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

Without a doubt, it's evolution towards the future! The Y1000 has a larger screen, is very easy to install, and the touch functionality works well, even with gloves, and as expected from this company, it’s very intuitive. I had the pleasure of navigating at night, and by adjusting the light intensity properly, we felt confident. The transition from conventional road books to digital ones is a reality, and yes, it makes everything easier... For those who haven’t tried it yet, I think they will change their minds once they navigate or even follow a GPS track with the new Y1000 from F2R. Thank you for everything. All the best for the whole team.

Pedro Barradas - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

I've used the device over a three-day rally race and the Y1000 was simply amazing. It was my first experience with a digital roadbook, but it did not make me regret the paper roadbook. F2R built a sturdy device with a super bright screen and intuitive user experience. In typical F2R style, the Y1000 works smoothly allowing the rider to focus on the actual racing rather than having to fidget between settings, commands and buttons. The new era has begun!

Mattia Manazzale - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

amazing product which provides you a perfect digital rally dashboard! super robust, very bright and well designed! perfect product!

Remi - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

Had the chance to use the device under different weather conditions and without any issues even under heavy rain and lots of water. Luminosity and no reflection with good reading of the notes on rally mode was very positive. Fortunately didn’t had any crash with it but it seems to be very robust as well! 5 ⭐

Daniel Jordão - (SSV Co-Driver)
5 out of 5

A experiência foi muito boa ,funciona bem com a água e lama que apanhamos pelo caminho ..sem dúvida uma mais valia para qualquer piloto ,fácil de mexer ..é o futuro .Bom trabalho F2R.

Tomás Neves - (SSV co-driver)
5 out of 5

I had the chance to try the Y1000 in several occasions, that included sunny days along the portuguese coast and rally events during heavy rain. In both occasions, the device was great. Visibility was great in all conditions, super rugged (I manage to convert my bike into a submarine for some time and nothing happened to the device ) and the touchscreen/buttons are gloves friendly. What a product.

Artur Alves - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

adorei o dispositivo, estive oportunidade de experimentar na baja TT de Lagos, Reguengos e no Portalegre, unico problema que tivemos foi no comando que deixou de funcionar, mas conseguimos resolver o problema e em prova não deu problemas

Carlos Paulino - (SSV co-driver)
5 out of 5

I've always been reluctant of riding with digital roadbooks and I consider myself more of a paper guy (in roadbook riding). Not only the brightness has been poor (on almost all models) but also the reliability of the devices available until now was not up the task of a rally stage. It all changed with the Y1000. The robustness of the device and its amazing screen brightness at any hour of the day are game changers. This really is the future!

Mário Pelicano - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

O Y1000 é espetacular, começando pela luminosidade, a qualidade de todo o material, a facilidade de ser utilizado, tudo!! Não ha comparação com outros tablets convencionais, isto sim é um Aparelho de Roadbook digital!! Parabens F2R

Duarte Santos - (SSV co-driver)
5 out of 5

I've tried the tablet several times and I'm a big fan of the F2R work. It's like navigating with the ERTF. It is an essential tool for any pilot and browser.

Goncalo Reis (SSV co-driver)
5 out of 5

Y1000 got a lot of effort and development, rugget device with smart and practic features created for rallying. What I liked the most is the simplicity of installation into the bracket (and the bracket is small), device doesn’t need the protection all around as a common tablets, so in the end the final shape is slim. Congratulations f2r team!

Stefan Roza - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

Got the opportunity to test the Y1000 both in Portugal (at an R3-event) and in Sweden at a local roadbook-gathering. Best thing is the screen and the analog controls for brightness/lock. Truly perfect readibility on the screen. From full sun in Portugal, to cold and dark in Sweden. Controls works great. Not much to complain about!

Stefan Nordström - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

A real gamechanger in the world of digital roadbooks. Not a common tablet adapted for rally purposes but a bullet proof device, specifically designed for rallies and with top-notch visibility

Ludovico - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

It’s not just a tablet, it’s a proper device for rally. Prepared for tough conditions and good visibility. Easy platform to load the roadbooks. This is a ‘must to have’ for the rally lovers.

Jordi Viladoms (ex Dakar Rider)
5 out of 5

I tested the device on a three day roadbook event. It worked perfect. The screen is super bright, even with tinted googles and full mid day sun in Portugal I could turn down the brightness. The GPS tripmeter is very accurate. The riders interface is logical. The smart functions very useful. It is not a normal off the shelf tablet, it is a digital road book device. Take my money!

Mikael Berglund - (ex-Dakar rider)
5 out of 5

Esta Tablet la use en el Rally Porto Alegre (Portugal) este año. Os puedo asegurar que aguanto el agua perfectamente. Tiene muchas posibilidades, para ponerte los parámetros a tu gustó. Esta preparada para hacer buenos entrenos y carreras. Se nota que está diseñada por un equipo que conoce bien lo que necesita un piloto de motos o copiloto de coches/camiones. Está a la altura de la que usamos en el Dakar en nuestro camión. y es muy rápido y fácil de instalar.

Jordi Esteve (piloto camiones Dakar)
5 out of 5

This Y1000 is not another tablet, is a complete product designed to give the same paper look&feel into the digital world of rally. Awesome screen, robust materials, really good design and once you start using it, even if you are (like me) a classic paper roadbook lover, there is no chance you want to use paper again after using Y1000. I was using it for the Hellas Rally and Rodibook this 2024! This is truely something very special and awesome 😉

Isaac Feliu - (ex-Dakar rider)
5 out of 5

F2R digital device was an amazing surprise, very user friendly. All features worked perfectly. I made 400 km with it, and the time worked properly and even at midday with the sun at its pick you can navigate with it. The device itself was robust, the touch screen worked perfectly. A must to have if you like to navigate and do some rally’s

Martim Martins - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

He probado la Y1000 durante el Addax Rally 2024 en Marruecos. Me ha parecido excelente por su usabilidad, brillo, robustez y sencillez de instalación. Muy bien!

Iván Merichal - (Dakar rider)
5 out of 5

Visibility like no other. Always present (one might tend to forget that visibility was an issue in the past, as the problem is simply gone). Very robust! Ergonomics made for motorcycles riders! Thru out the device (inc. software) is visible that this was made: from riders, to riders (of all levels)!

Henrique Almeida - (amateur rider)
5 out of 5

Just the product I need to train for the Dakar. The reflection is good, the light is good and the roadbook configuration is perfect for navigation

Javi vega - (Dakar rider)
5 out of 5

I ran the f2r for a seven day rally and it worked flawless, absolutely super purpose built rally navigation system. The screen was not at all affected by sunlight, vibration and is very robust with a large heat sink on the red of the screen. I likes the way it worked with f2r multi function buttons. The setup and to make changes is very intuitive and easy. Touch screen works perfect with gloves and has just the correct level of sensitivity not to cause false selections etc. no more paper for me for future rallies this unit is excellent and far superior device to anything else available on the market

Sean O Leary - (amateur rider)